AMMAN, May 22 (Xinhua) -- Jordan announced on Monday its imports of crude oil from Iraq have resumed after a suspension that began in early April.
Oil transfer via tankers to Jordan had begun and 422 tankers had been loaded up with Iraqi oil, 300 of which had already arrived in Jordan, Iman Awwad, head of Oil and Gas Department at Jordan's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources was quoted as saying in a ministry statement.
Jordan renewed an agreement with Iraq to resume crude oil imports at a discounted price in early May. Under the deal, Jordan imports from Iraq 10,000 barrels of crude oil per day, or 7 percent of Jordan's daily needs.
The oil imports from Iraq resumed after a several-week suspension that started on April 1. Jordan and Iraq were supposed to automatically renew the oil agreement at the end of March, but the deal was not renewed and Jordan's imports were halted. The agreement was extended in early May after Jordan held extensive talks with the Iraqi authorities. ■