A farmer shows ghost peppers in Nagaon district of India's northeastern state of Assam on May 8, 2023. (Str/Xinhua)
NAGAON, India, May 9 (Xinhua) -- Farmers have been busy plucking ghost peppers, locally known as "bhut jolokia," during harvest season in Nagaon district of India's northeastern state of Assam.
Certified as the world's hottest chilli, ghost peppers are popular among pepper geeks because of their burning sensation and additional fruity flavor.
A farmer picks ghost peppers in Nagaon district of India's northeastern state of Assam on May 8, 2023. (Str/Xinhua)
A farmer collects ghost peppers in Nagaon district of India's northeastern state of Assam on May 8, 2023. (Str/Xinhua)
Farmers collect ghost peppers in Nagaon district of India's northeastern state of Assam on May 8, 2023. (Str/Xinhua)
A farmer plucks ghost peppers in Nagaon district of India's northeastern state of Assam on May 8, 2023. (Str/Xinhua)
A farmer collects ghost peppers in Nagaon district of India's northeastern state of Assam on May 8, 2023. (Str/Xinhua)■