Tourism operators in Cambodia urged to use renewables in business-Xinhua

Tourism operators in Cambodia urged to use renewables in business

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2022-09-14 17:50:00

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- A Cambodian official and conservationists on Wednesday called on tourism operators to use renewable energy sources like the rooftop solar in their business operations.

Speaking at the launching ceremony of a Swiss-funded project entitled "Building Back a Climate Friendly and Inclusive Tourism Sector in Cambodia", Cambodian Tourism Ministry's Undersecretary of State Kuch Panhasa said the ministry recognized the importance of renewable energy development and its contribution to building a sustainable tourism and positioning Cambodia as a green tourism destination.

"I encourage tourism operators, community-based ecotourism groups, and other relevant institutions, to support the implementation of this project, contributing to effort by the royal government of Cambodia in recovering tourism in the post COVID-19 era, as well as developing sustainable and green tourism in Cambodia," he said.

Seng Teak, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Cambodia country director, said the project was designed to facilitate the sustainable energy transition of the Cambodian tourism sector through the adoption of solar and efficient cooling solutions in hotels, eco-resorts and community-based ecotourism.

He said the project outcome would contribute to Cambodia's transition toward low carbon, low cost and low impact power.

"This is a game changer for the tourism sector in Cambodia," Teak said.

Solar and efficient cooling solutions can help tourism operators reduce their operation costs, while increasing the attractiveness of the sector to tourists.

"This project will introduce the sustainable energy practice among tourism operators and help our members in reducing their energy bills, through the introduction of solar and energy management, helping them 'build back better' after the challenging years of COVID-19," said Luu Meng, president of the Cambodia Tourism Federation.