GLOBALink | Int'l symposium participants express confidence in China's Juncao technology-Xinhua

GLOBALink | Int'l symposium participants express confidence in China's Juncao technology

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-06-20 14:44:46

As part of an international symposium on Juncao industry development, 57 foreign participants from 13 countries and two international organizations conducted a field trip in the county of Shunchang, east China's Fujian Province on Sunday and Monday.

They visited companies, farms, and exhibition centers, where they expressed confidence in the economic, social, and environmental benefits of Juncao technology.

Juncao, which literally means "mushroom" and "grass," can be used to grow edible mushrooms, feed livestock or stop desertification as a green barrier.

Discovered by Chinese scientists, Juncao has been introduced to over 100 countries, creating hundreds of thousands of job opportunities and helping to alleviate poverty.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service


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