Interview: Mending intra-Arab ties to boost regional stability, says Syrian official-Xinhua

Interview: Mending intra-Arab ties to boost regional stability, says Syrian official

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-04-28 16:36:00

DAMASCUS, April 28 (Xinhua) -- Restoring normal relations between Arab countries, particularly the Syrian-Saudi relations, will promote stability in the region and protect the "national security" of Arab countries, a senior Syrian official has said.

The Arab world has realized that there is a ripple effect among them which means when something bad happens in one country, it would for sure affect other countries. Thus mending intra-Arab relations is key to ensuring "Arab security", said Syrian Assistant Foreign Minister Ayman Sousan in an interview with Xinhua.

"In order to achieve prosperity for our peoples, we have to restore good relations between the Arab states, which are conducive to securing stability in our countries and protecting all of our national security," he said.

On mending Syria's ties with some Arab countries, Sousan said his country looks to the future and does not look back.

"What matters to us is what we can achieve to ensure our countries' security and people's prosperity. Therefore, Syria is open to all positive steps and deals with them positively."

Noting that relations between Syria and Saudi Arabia are "healing," he said that Saudi Arabia is an influential country in the region and beyond, and restoring relations between the two sides will improve the situation in the Arab world and boost the relations between Syria and other Arab countries or even those beyond.

On the current positive vibe in the region and Syria's emergence from the shadow of war, Sousan said is looking to the future with greater optimism.

When political relations are good, it opens the door for activating economic development because it is in the interest of all, he said.

Talking about the deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran to resume diplomatic ties, which was brokered by China, Sousan said that such a significant achievement would definitely have a positive influence on the political settlement of the conflicts in the region.