Forum for cooperation in printing industry held in Germany-Xinhua

Forum for cooperation in printing industry held in Germany

Source: Xinhua| 2024-05-31 19:27:45|Editor: huaxia

DUSSELDORF, Germany, May 31 (Xinhua) -- A forum on the global cooperation in the printing industry was held on Friday in the German city of Dusseldorf, with participants discussing the evolving printing culture while exploring innovative development strategies and further opportunities for collaboration.

The event, held during the 2024 Drupa exhibition, gathered industry leaders and specialists from the Printing and Distribution Bureau of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the World Print & Communication Forum and one of its members Intergraf, the Messe Dusseldorf Gmbh, alongside more than 180 experts, scholars and entrepreneurs, providing a platform for exchanges and networking within the global printing community.

The "Bi Sheng Forum for Cooperation in the Printing Industry -- Drupa Dialogue" centered on the theme of "New Opportunity, New Cooperation, New Future." It is named after Bi Sheng, an 11th-century Chinese scientist who made baked clay into movable characters for type-setting printing, thus accomplishing a major revolution in printing history.

According to sources attending the forum, the global printing industry is undergoing a transformation towards digitalization and enhanced quality. Meanwhile, green development has emerged as a unanimous goal in the global printing sector, with sustainable practices becoming increasingly prevalent.

In response to emerging opportunities and challenges, the printing industries worldwide should embrace the philosophy of building a community with a shared future for mankind, sources at the forum said. There was also a call to uphold principles of openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit.

The forum was organized by the Printing Technology Association of China and supported by the Messe Dusseldorf Gmbh.

The ongoing Drupa 2024 is recognized as the world's largest and most prestigious international exhibition in the printing industry. The event, held from May 28 to June 7, has drawn over 1,600 exhibitors, including more than 440 from China.