Three dead, six injured after bus falls into river in Russia's St.Petersburg-Xinhua

Three dead, six injured after bus falls into river in Russia's St.Petersburg

Source: Xinhua| 2024-05-11 00:48:45|Editor: huaxia

MOSCOW, May 10 (Xinhua)--Three people have died and another six have been injured after a bus fell off a bridge into a river in St. Petersburg Friday, according to local authorities.

The passenger bus fell from a bridge into the Moika river in the Russian city of St. Petersburg at 1 p.m. local time, according to the St. Petersburg police.

According to preliminary information, there were around 20 people inside the bus at the time of the incident, and rescue teams have been working at the site to remove people from the water, according to the local police.

The Russian Emergencies Ministry said that rescuers had extracted nine people from the water. Three people have died, four people are currently in critical condition, while two others are in serious condition, it said, citing latest information from the accident site.

Previously, local authorities said four people had died in the accident.

According to the local transport authorities, the driver lost control of the vehicle at a turn and the bus crashed through the bridge.

The 44-year old driver has currently been detained and a criminal case has been initiated.