Finnish gov't wins parliamentary vote for labor policy -Xinhua

Finnish gov't wins parliamentary vote for labor policy

Source: Xinhua| 2024-02-22 20:09:15|Editor: huaxia

HELSINKI, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Finnish right-wing coalition cabinet under Prime Minister Petteri Orpo won a vote of confidence Wednesday over its revision of labor law.

The government's plans to weaken the legislative framework for labor rights, along with reductions in unemployment and welfare benefits, have triggered the most extensive strikes by Finnish unions in several decades.

With all the coalition parties backing the cabinet, the government won the vote of confidence by 89-73, with 36 members of parliament absent and one blank ballot.

The government comprises the Conservatives, the Finns Party, the Swedish People's Party (SDP) and the Christian Democrats.

The first signatory of the interpellation of no-confidence, SDP chair Antti Lindtman appealed to the cabinet that it would start frank talks to solve the crisis.