Over 1 mln in England living in hidden poverty: The Guardian-Xinhua

Over 1 mln in England living in hidden poverty: The Guardian

Source: Xinhua| 2023-12-11 23:46:45|Editor: huaxia

LONDON, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- An estimated 1.3 million people in England are living in pockets of hidden hardship and could be missing out on help because their poverty is masked by better-off neighbors, The Guardian newspaper reported on Monday.

"Ethnic minorities are most likely to be caught in these small areas of intense deprivation, which are not shown by existing measures used by local and national governments to target anti-deprivation funding," the British paper said, citing a research program by geographers at Queen's University in Belfast.

The most acute examples include pockets of London, Oxford and Manchester. "Waves of gentrification are behind the phenomenon in many areas, meaning the wealth of incomers has masked the reality of cramped housing, ill health, low educational attainment and high unemployment for others," it said.