Severe storm wreaks havoc in Latvia-Xinhua

Severe storm wreaks havoc in Latvia

Source: Xinhua| 2023-08-08 01:44:30|Editor: huaxia

RIGA, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- Severe thunderstorms with heavy rain, gusty winds and large hail that swept across western and central parts of Latvia on Monday caused devastation to property and destroyed crops, local authorities said.

In the afternoon, a severe weather warning was also issued for eastern parts of Latvia as the weather front was continuing to move toward the region.

In Dobele, central Latvia, wind gusts once reached 33 meters per second during the storm, the highest wind speed recorded in the country in recent decades. Huge hail was also reported in Naudite village, Dobele municipality.

In Tervete, a region in central-east Latvia, a man was taken to hospital after being injured by a falling tree during the storm, local police said.

The State Fire and Rescue Service received more than 200 calls about damage caused by the storm in the central Latvian municipalities of Dobele, Tukums and Jelgava, including broken trees that blocked roads and damaged motor vehicles, and hail that broke windows and damaged roofs.

Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins has asked the Ministries of Environmental Protection, Regional Development and Agriculture to compile information on the storm damage and report on any assistance needed. He said that Latvia hitting by such an unusually severe storm is feeling the effects of climate change.