Contemporary art show Documenta kicks off in Germany's Kassel-Xinhua

Contemporary art show Documenta kicks off in Germany's Kassel

Source: Xinhua| 2022-06-19 04:58:58|Editor: huaxia

FRANKFURT, June 18 (Xinhua) -- One of the world's most recognized contemporary art shows Documenta kicked off on Saturday in the German city of Kassel.

The "Documenta 15" features artworks created by dozens of artists from more than 10 art groups across the globe, which are on display in 32 different exhibition venues in Kassel in northern Hessen state.

The artworks are inspired by the concept of Lumbung, an Indonesian word for a communal rice-barn, where the surplus harvest is stored for the benefit of the community.

During 100 days of exhibition, "Documenta 15" will also offer a wide array of workshops, demonstrations, sound sessions, talks, readings and film screenings centered on the idea of Lumbung.

Founded in 1955, the Documenta exhibition is held every five years. It is widely considered one of the three most important contemporary art shows in the world, which also include the Biennale in Venice and Sao Paulo Art Biennial.