Report details abuse experienced by New Zealanders in state care-Xinhua

Report details abuse experienced by New Zealanders in state care

Source: Xinhua| 2024-07-24 15:46:45|Editor: huaxia

WELLINGTON, July 24 (Xinhua) -- A report tabled in New Zealand's parliament on Wednesday detailed how New Zealanders in state and faith-based care experienced extensive physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse, exploitation and neglect.

The finding that around 200,000 people were abused in care between 1950 and 2019 underlines the unarguable reality that out-of-home care has been systemically injurious in New Zealand, said Associate Professor Stephen Winter of the University of Auckland.

"This report was six years in the making. The response cannot be rushed. It needs to be considered with respect and care," said Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.

The published Royal Commission report contains 138 recommendations to transform New Zealand's care system, address past injustices, and compensate survivors, including the country's children, young people and adults.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry, which was established in 2018, recommends that the government focus on supporting people to remain in their families and communities, and out-of-home care should be short-term and delivered by the community.

The first step is a formal apology which will take place this year on Nov. 12 when a significant event will be delivered, Luxon said.

Prof. Elizabeth Stanley of the School of Social and Cultural Studies at the Victoria University of Wellington said the report sets out, in detail, some of the most serious crimes ever committed in New Zealand.