Vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka alerted to continued heat-Xinhua

Vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka alerted to continued heat

Source: Xinhua| 2023-04-24 19:35:45|Editor: huaxia

COLOMBO, April 24 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka's medical authorities on Monday asked children, expectant mothers, the elderly and those taking treatment for various illnesses to be careful as the prevalent high temperature in the South Asian country will continue in the next few days.

Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) said those in above mentioned categories must limit exposure to sunlight and stay hydrated to avoid dehydration.

SLMA president Vinya Ariyaratne urged schoolmasters to keep students away from outdoor activities, especially non-essential outdoor functions.

"Children must be provided with space to play indoors or in the shade. Small children should be encouraged to wear protective hats or caps when outdoors," he said.

The SLMA also urged employers meanwhile to be mindful of the needs of their employees and adjust work timetables if necessary.

The meteorological department said on Monday that high temperature will badly affect the Northern, North Central, North Western, Eastern and Uva provinces as well as the Hambantota and Ratnapura districts.

Sri Lanka suffered high temperatures in the last few weeks, and health officials have repeatedly issued heat warnings.