Mount Merapi volcano erupts in Indonesia-Xinhua

Mount Merapi volcano erupts in Indonesia

Source: Xinhua| 2023-03-14 22:01:30|Editor: huaxia

This photo taken on March 14, 2023 shows lava spewing out of Mount Merapi as seen from Purwobinangun village in Sleman district, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Photo by Priyo Utomo/Xinhua)

JAKARTA, March 14 (Xinhua) -- Mount Merapi, located on the border between the Indonesian province of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, erupted twice on Tuesday morning, spewing smoke and ash.

The country's geological disaster institute BPPTKG in a written statement reported that the volcano spewed hot ash at 5.50 a.m. and 5.59 a.m. local time.

Authorities have told nearby residents to avoid the area within a seven-kilometer radius of the crater.

The status of Mount Merapi, the most active of Indonesia's 130 volcanoes, has stayed unchanged at its second highest level since November 2020.

In 2010, its major eruption killed over 300 people and displaced 20,000 residents.

Volcanic materials are seen in a field near Mount Merapi, the most active of Indonesia's 130 volcanoes, in Tlogolele village, Boyolali district, Central Java, Indonesia, March 15, 2023. Mount Merapi, located on the border between the Indonesian province of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, erupted twice on Tuesday morning, spewing smoke and ash. (Photo by Bram Selo/Xinhua)

A farmer works in a field near Mount Merapi, the most active of Indonesia's 130 volcanoes, in Cangkringan village, Sleman district, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, March 15, 2023. Mount Merapi, located on the border between the Indonesian province of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, erupted twice on Tuesday morning, spewing smoke and ash. (Photo by Agung Supriyanto/Xinhua)