Cambodian police confiscate 18.3 kg of illegal drugs-Xinhua

Cambodian police confiscate 18.3 kg of illegal drugs

Source: Xinhua| 2022-08-18 19:46:45|Editor: huaxia

PHNOM PENH, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia's anti-drug police have arrested a local man for possessing and trafficking narcotics, confiscating 18.3 kg of illicit drugs, the National Police said on Thursday.

The suspect, 41, was apprehended on Wednesday afternoon at his rental room in capital Phnom Penh.

"Some 17.8 kg of ecstasy (MDMA), 447.9 grams of ketamine and 12.6 grams of crystal methamphetamine were seized from the suspect during the raid," the National Police said on its website.

It was the second major crackdown this week after the police in Sihanoukville on Tuesday arrested five foreigners, confiscating a total of 871.2 kg of ketamine.

The Southeast Asian country has no death sentence for a drug trafficker. Under its law, someone found guilty of trafficking more than 80 grams of illicit drugs could be jailed for life.

According to the Anti-Drug Police Department (ADP), Cambodia nabbed 9,151 drug suspects, including 125 foreigners, during the January-July period of 2022, seizing 3.27 tons of illicit drugs.