Indonesian police arrests top figure of treason organization linked to terror group-Xinhua

Indonesian police arrests top figure of treason organization linked to terror group

Source: Xinhua| 2022-06-07 17:56:28|Editor: huaxia

JAKARTA, June 7 (Xinhua) -- Indonesian police have arrested a top figure from the suspected treason group Khilafatul Muslimin, Abdul Qadir Baraja, in Lampung province, an official said on Tuesday.

A spokesperson of Metro Jaya Regional Police Endra Zulpan said the organization was campaigning for an ideology that was against the Indonesian constitution and wanted to establish an Islamic state in this archipelagic nation.

"This group also invites people to hate the legitimate government," Zulpan said.

An investigation was carried out based on viral videos on social media showing how the group was in convoy using motorbikes featuring the revival of the Islamic state in several areas, including Jakarta, West Java, and Central Java.

Baraja is a former convict of terrorism cases, who is close to terror groups such as the Indonesian Islamic State and the Indonesian Mujahidin Council.

Further investigation is underway.