South African parliament marks Africa Day with call for conflict-free continent-Xinhua

South African parliament marks Africa Day with call for conflict-free continent

Source: Xinhua| 2024-05-25 22:16:30|Editor: huaxia

CAPE TOWN, May 25 (Xinhua) -- The South African parliament on Saturday marked Africa Day by calling for a commitment to a conflict-free continent and universal education for African children.

Africa Day is observed annually on May 25 to celebrate the achievements of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor of the African Union (AU), from its creation on May 25, 1963.

This year, the AU's theme for Africa Day is "Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century," which encourages member states to build resilient education systems to increase access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa.

In a statement issued here on Saturday, the South African parliament called on "all Africans, governments of the world, and multilateral institutions to use this day to reflect on and pledge their commitment to achieving the goal of a conflict-free continent."

"We must all strive to make education accessible to all children in Africa and not to bequeath the burden of illiteracy and conflicts to future generations," said the statement.

The South African legislature noted that it remains deeply concerned about the scourge of conflicts in the continent, including the ongoing unrest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the impediments to education and socio-economic development.

"African governments must reaffirm their commitment to realizing AU objectives, including silencing the guns by 2030," it said.

The parliament further said it views Africa Day as a "rallying point" for every African country and their governments to reflect and act to improve the lives of African people.

"The day creates a strategic opportunity in the journey of political freedom for reflection and commemoration and to deepen our efforts to turn the tide against the legacy of colonialism and to focus on development," it added.