Rwanda receives genocide suspect deported from Malawi-Xinhua

Rwanda receives genocide suspect deported from Malawi

Source: Xinhua| 2023-06-13 19:03:15|Editor: huaxia

KIGALI, June 13 (Xinhua) -- Rwanda's National Public Prosecution Authority said Monday it has received a genocide suspect who was deported from Malawi.

Theoneste Niyongira was indicted by Rwandan prosecution and was subject of an international arrest warrant issued in 2019, according to the prosecution statement.

Niyongira, who arrived in Rwanda on Sunday, is "accused of the crime of genocide committed in former Ndora commune, Butare prefecture" in southern Rwanda, the statement said. Rwandan officials commended the Malawian government for deporting Niyongira.

The deportation happened several days after another genocide fugitive Fulgence Kayishema was arrested in South Africa after being on the run for decades.

Prosecution spokesperson Faustin Nkusi said Rwanda has indicted about 60 other individuals in Malawi who are suspected of taking part in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Globally, Rwanda has issued more than 1,000 indictments for genocide suspects, most of whom live in Africa.