Angola seizes 45 kg of cocaine at capital's port-Xinhua

Angola seizes 45 kg of cocaine at capital's port

Source: Xinhua| 2023-05-19 20:48:00|Editor: huaxia

LUANDA, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Angola's Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) announced on Friday that it had seized 45 kg of cocaine originating from Brazil at the port of Luanda, the national capital, and arrested seven Angolan citizens.

According to a SIC statement, the drugs were concealed in 34 packages within the cooling fans of three refrigerated containers of frozen chicken. Of the seven detained, four were employees of the port terminal, while the other three were intermediaries for the alleged drug owner.

This year, the SIC has seized over 75 kg of cocaine, primarily at the Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport and the port of Luanda, resulting in the arrest of 18 Angolan and foreign nationals, according to local media.