Zambia suspends issuance of mining licenses-Xinhua

Zambia suspends issuance of mining licenses

Source: Xinhua| 2022-02-23 21:58:18|Editor: huaxia

LUSAKA, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Zambian government on Wednesday announced a 30-day suspension of issuance of mining licenses to fight corruption.

Minister of Mines Paul Kabuswe said the suspension, from Feb. 23 to March 23, is meant to allow for the cleaning up of the system and establishing the exact point of corruption.

"Due to the technical nature of this assignment, the work will be undertaken by a cross-function internal team of officers with high integrity and competence from internal audit," he told a press briefing.

The suspension could be extended for another month depending on the extent of the problem and the magnitude of work, Kabuswe said.

He said the new government inherited a rotten system which has led to perpetuation of corrupt practices, adding that the suspension period will be used to correct the situation for the benefit of both local and foreign investors.

The ministry will in the next one month undertake an extensive audit on mining rights, a work-study on the processes at the department, and internal reorientation for members of staff, Kabuswe said.