GLOBALink | China Buzzword: A dialogue with grandson of Chinese poet Xu Zhimo-Xinhua

GLOBALink | China Buzzword: A dialogue with grandson of Chinese poet Xu Zhimo

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-06-28 20:13:22

Xu Shanzeng, the grandson of Chinese poet Xu Zhimo, is passionate about reading his grandfather's famous poems and promoting Chinese modern poetry. Recently in Beijing, Xinhua reporter Liu Jie talked with Mr. Xu about how Xu Zhimo's poetry helps foster cultural exchange between East and West. #ChinaBuzzword

Reporter: Xie Han, Lu Chang, Li Chunyu, Li Dexin, Liu Jie, Dai Xiang (Intern)

Editor: Li Laifang

Produced by the China Buzzword Studio of the Domestic News for Overseas Service Department, Xinhua News Agency and the Beijing Bureau of Xinhua News Agency


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