Survey finds 60 pct experience low motivation during Japan's rainy season-Xinhua

Survey finds 60 pct experience low motivation during Japan's rainy season

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-06-22 18:22:15

TOKYO, June 22 (Xinhua) -- About 60 percent of people working in Japan feel a lack of motivation during the country's rainy season, according to a recent survey by major Japanese food company Meiji.

The survey, highlighting the impact of changing weather patterns on well-being, found that as the rainy season progresses, particularly with late onset in regions like Kyushu, many people are struggling with the effects of fluctuating atmospheric pressure and temperature changes.

When asked about their health concerns during the rainy season, the most common response was "lack of motivation," cited by 59.6 percent of respondents, followed by concerns such as "not knowing how to deal with discomfort", "feeling unwell", and "decreased work performance".

The survey, which focused on health management and included 2,000 participants aged 20 to 60, also examined the impact of remote work on health.

About a quarter of participants of the survey who worked remotely at least one day a week reported decreased motivation and a tendency to continue working despite feeling unwell. The trend was especially pronounced among those in their 20s, with over 50 percent noting these challenges.

Meanwhile, 71 percent of the surveyed admitted to hiding their health issues and continuing to work, with the highest rate of 81.2 percent among women in their 30s.

The survey was conducted online from April 26 to 28.