Energy facilities in 4 Ukrainian regions damaged in drone, missile attacks -Xinhua

Energy facilities in 4 Ukrainian regions damaged in drone, missile attacks

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-06-20 20:23:30

KIEV, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Energy facilities in four Ukrainian regions were damaged during overnight drone and missile attacks by Russia, Ukraine's state-run energy company Ukrenergo said Thursday.

The air strikes have harmed equipment at energy infrastructure in eastern, central and northern Ukraine, the Ukrenergo said.

In the northern Kiev region, power transmission lines and equipment at an enterprise were damaged by the debris of intercepted drones, said the Kiev Regional Military Administration.

The attacks also hit the electric power grid in the central Dnipropetrovsk region, said regional governor Sergii Lysak.

At least seven energy infrastructure employees were injured in the air strikes and hospitalized, said the country's Energy Ministry.

Russian forces fired 27 Shahed combat drones, four cruise missiles from Tu-95MC bombers, three ballistic missiles Iskander-M and two guided aviation missiles at Ukraine during the attack, said the Ukrainian Air Force. All 27 drones and five missiles were shot down by the air defense.

The Ukrenergo said it would expand power limitation restrictions in the wake of the attacks. The power cuts, however, will not apply to critical infrastructure facilities.

Since March 22, Russia carried out seven major missile and drone attacks on Ukraine's power generation and transmission infrastructure.