Russia may lower diplomatic ties with U.S. over asset seizures-Xinhua

Russia may lower diplomatic ties with U.S. over asset seizures

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-06-19 14:02:15

MOSCOW, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Russia has not ruled out the possibility of downgrading its diplomatic relations with the United States in response to the confiscation of Russian assets, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted by TASS news agency as saying on Wednesday.

Ryabkov explained that Russia's reaction to U.S. actions could include countermeasures against Western assets in Russia, asymmetrical responses of other kinds, and the reduction of diplomatic relations.

"Depending on the degree of their provocations, we will calibrate our responses accordingly," Ryabkov noted.

Ryabkov underscored that Russia would determine its response based on the extent of the challenges posed by the United States.

"I do not exclude any options, but I also do not anticipate any specific ones," Ryabkov added. "In any case, all of this is a matter of a separate political decision, which will be made at a very high level in Moscow."