Hamas seriously, positively considers truce proposal: Egyptian source-Xinhua

Hamas seriously, positively considers truce proposal: Egyptian source

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-06-06 22:59:45

CAIRO, June 6 (Xinhua) -- Egypt has received a positive response from Hamas indicating it looks forward to reaching a ceasefire, Egypt's Al-Qahera News TV channel reported Thursday, citing a high-ranking security source.

"Hamas leaders informed us it has been studying seriously and positively a truce proposal," the source said, without referring to the proposal, whether it is the U.S. one or the Israeli one.

Egypt has been running intensive communications and meetings in the past 24 hours to resume negotiations for reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the TV report added.

The source added that Egypt has invited Hamas leaders to visit Cairo to discuss all details of the ongoing conditions, and Hamas will present its response to the truce proposal in the coming few days.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Wednesday that any negotiations with Hamas would be conducted "only under fire."

Though Hamas had welcomed a U.S. proposal recently and voiced dealing with it positively, it rejected another Israeli proposal citing it doesn't have a clear farmwork and is different from the American one that included an item on a comprehensive ceasefire.