Interview: Cooperation with China fruitful, says Equatorial Guinean official-Xinhua

Interview: Cooperation with China fruitful, says Equatorial Guinean official

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-05-30 14:51:46

MALABO, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Equatorial Guinea's cooperation with China is fruitful, with an upward momentum that can help the country improve in all aspects and bring about more changes, an Equatorial Guinean official has said.

In a recent interview with Xinhua, Alejandro Micha Nsue, president of the National Office of Planning and Project Monitoring of Equatorial Guinea, recalled that Chinese companies arrived in his country during his childhood to construct the Nkue-Mongomo road.

"Today, if we talk about the development of transportation infrastructure, including roads, ports, and airports, Chinese companies have been deeply involved," Nsue said.

Over the past half a century since China and Equatorial Guinea established diplomatic ties in 1970, Chinese enterprises have constructed hydroelectric power stations, airports, roads, and housing projects, serving as the foundation for the country's development and progress.

Nsue praised such cooperation projects as the new terminal at Malabo International Airport and the new national university campus. "Equatorial Guinea's characteristics are being shaped through its cooperation with China," he said.

In Nsue's view, the cooperation between China and Equatorial Guinea is "sincere."

"The countries that colonized Africa exploited and plundered it, taking away all its resources and leaving the countries in ruins," said the official, adding that in contrast, "China's cooperation is different."

Cooperation with China has brought "substantial changes" to many African countries, ranging from infrastructure development, industrial growth to the promotion of talent cultivation, he said.

Deeply impressed by China's modernization, Nsue expressed his belief that by leveraging its workforce and modernization expertise, China can help Africa and Equatorial Guinea a lot.

"China has a highly skilled talent pool," Nsue said, voicing his desire for enhanced collaboration in talent cultivation between the two countries.