EU's Borrell condemns Israeli strikes against displaced persons-Xinhua

EU's Borrell condemns Israeli strikes against displaced persons

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-05-27 21:28:15

BRUSSELS, May 27 (Xinhua) -- European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Josep Borrell issued a stern condemnation on Monday regarding Israeli strikes that killed dozens of displaced persons in Gaza.

"Horrified by news coming out of Rafah on Israeli strikes killing dozens of displaced persons, including small children. I condemn this in the strongest terms," the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, expressed through social media platform X.

"There is no safe place in Gaza," he said, urging the immediate stop of the attacks and adherence to the orders of the International Court of Justice and international humanitarian law by all parties involved.

Forty-six people, including children, women, and the elderly, were killed during Sunday's Israeli bombing of tents for displaced people in Rafah, the enclave's southernmost city where more than 1 million Palestinian refugees are seeking shelter amid the intense conflict.

The Israeli forces said they bombed the tents to kill two senior Hamas officials and claimed the army is investigating the incident.