CANBERRA, May 24 (Xinhua) -- Australian smart energy industry looks to partnership with China, as there are many opportunities for cooperation in the sectors of the two countries.
The Smart Energy Council's International Ambassador Annastacia Palaszczuk said they are willing to further promote exchanges and cooperation between Australia and China's new energy industries.
Australia and China have a long and fruitful history of cooperation in the field of solar energy, which have made important contributions to the global response to climate change, Palaszczuk told Chinese Ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian here on Wednesday.
Palaszczuk, former governor of Queensland, and Xiao exchanged views on China-Australia relations and bilateral cooperation in new energy industry, which was to prepare for an Australian smart energy delegation to China next month.
China and Australia should consolidate and deepen cooperation in traditional areas, actively expand cooperation in emerging areas such as the green economy, and push forward the sustained and steady development of the comprehensive strategic partnership, a diplomat with Chinese embassy in Australia told Xinhua on Friday, citing Xiao as saying.
The Smart Energy Council, established in 1954, is Australia's independent, top industry body for solar energy, energy storage and smart energy. ■