Sri Lankan president calls for unity to rebuild on Vesak festival-Xinhua

Sri Lankan president calls for unity to rebuild on Vesak festival

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-05-23 19:32:00

COLOMBO, May 23 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe called on the country to heal, unite and rebuild, as the South Asian country began a two-day Vesak festival commemorating the birth, enlightenment and passing of Lord Buddha.

He made the remarks in his Vesak Day statement released on Wednesday evening. Wickremesinghe said that at this challenging moment, Sri Lanka as a nation should cultivate the same great zeal for enlightenment that Buddha exemplified, to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow.

Wickremesinghe joined on Thursday the Vesak festival virtually being held centering the Matale district in the Central Province of the country and extended his wishes to all Buddhists for a meaningful Vesak celebration.

On Thursday, he also granted a presidential pardon to 278 prisoners to mark Vesak Day, the most important religious event for Buddhists, the prison's department said in a statement.

Sri Lanka usually pardons prisoners on Independence Day and during major religious events. These amnesties do not apply to those convicted of murder, serious drug offenses, rape, and armed robbery.