Man arrested for pushing 2 people onto tracks at station near Tokyo-Xinhua

Man arrested for pushing 2 people onto tracks at station near Tokyo

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-05-15 15:27:30

TOKYO, May 15 (Xinhua) -- A man was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly pushing two people onto the train tracks at a station in Kawasaki neighboring Tokyo, local media reported.

The incident took place at around 7:25 a.m. local time on a platform without screen doors at Noborito Station on the JR Nambu Line, Kyodo News reported, citing local police.

Police arrested Takashi Akutsu, 32, on suspicion of attempted murder after the two men sustained non-life-threatening injuries, and are investigating whether any trouble occurred between the suspect and the two victims, the report said.

No train was entering onto the tracks at the time, it added.

Following the incident, six trains were delayed by up to 10 minutes, affecting around 9,300 people, according to East Japan Railway Company.