Chinese envoy urges humanitarian assistance to children in armed conflicts-Xinhua

Chinese envoy urges humanitarian assistance to children in armed conflicts

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-04-04 13:48:45

UNITED NATIONS, April 4 (Xinhua) -- China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations on Wednesday underscored the dire circumstances facing children in armed conflicts worldwide, saying humanitarian assistance is needed urgently.

"Children are the most innocent victims and most vulnerable groups in need of assistance in armed conflicts," Geng Shuang said at the UN Security Council briefing on children and armed conflicts.

The ambassador commended Malta's initiative to convene the meeting, hoping that it would galvanize the international community and the Security Council to "take concrete actions to remove humanitarian obstacles and build a solid protection barrier."

Highlighting the grim situation in Gaza, Geng said, "according to UN Children's Fund, in the past six months, over 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza."

The Security Council's consensus on the protection of children in Gaza was a focal point of Geng's address, urging the implementation of Resolution 2728, which calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as a crucial step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of children.

"It is imperative that the council resolutions be fully and effectively implemented," Geng said, calling for a halt to all acts harming civilians and for lifting the blockade on Gaza to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Geng also highlighted the suffering of children in other conflict zones, such as Afghanistan and Syria, where humanitarian crises are exacerbated by sanctions and the lack of international aid.

He criticized the use of humanitarian funds reduction as a "tool for pressure" and called for the lifting of "unilateral sanctions" that hinder relief efforts.

Geng addressed the broader issue of grave violations against children, including the recruitment of children by armed groups in regions like the Sahel and Somalia.

He also called for comprehensive development initiatives to tackle the root causes of conflict, such as poverty and lack of access to education and healthcare.