Palestinian president dismisses moves to destabilize Jordan following Hamas official's rally call-Xinhua

Palestinian president dismisses moves to destabilize Jordan following Hamas official's rally call

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-04-03 05:28:30

RAMALLAH, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday strongly denounced any efforts to destabilize Jordan's security, a stance that appeared to be a direct response to a Hamas official's call for Jordanian citizens to demonstrate in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement released via WAFA, the official Palestinian news agency, Abbas said Jordan's security is a vital interest for the Palestinian people and the future of their national cause, warning that any miscalculation regarding this issue would lead the entire region into chaos.

The Palestinian president's statement comes in the wake of remarks made by the head of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) abroad, Khaled Meshaal, on Wednesday in an online speech during a women's event in Jordan.

Calling Jordan the closest country to Palestine, Meshaal urged millions to take to the streets to show Jordan's solidarity with Gaza.

Meshaal's appeal was met with disapproval from the Jordanian authorities, who viewed it as an effort to misguide public sentiment.

Palestine and the Palestinian people stand with Jordan under the leadership of King Abdullah II, Abbas added.