BEIJING, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Netizens aren't too pleased with U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's recent accusation of "Chinese overcapacity" in the clean energy sector.
Yellen made her remarks during her visit to a solar plant in the U.S. state of Georgia on Wednesday, saying China's excess capacity "distorts global prices" and "hurts American firms and workers." Criticism flooded the comment section of news websites.
"Complaining about China building more green energy technology would be like if one weightlifter stopped training to complain that another weightlifter was lifting heavier weights," Jason wrote on Yahoo News.
"Also, I keep hearing that climate change is a doomsday scenario where we have to do everything possible to prevent the destruction of the planet, and all of a sudden, having more green energy is a problem?" Jason wrote.
"So, if China is ramping up production and driving down prices ... how bad is that?" Kevin said. "I mean, I get that some manufacturers in the United States might be hurt, but if overall result is lower cost solar, wind, hybrid or EV cars, etc. ... isn't that good overall?" Kevin posted.
"I would love to see every house and building in the United States have rooftop solar," he added.
"Ridiculous. First China wasn't doing enough for green energy. Now suddenly they (are) doing too much. Why doesn't America shut up and do their fair bit?" Johan Bernard wrote on the Financial Times website.
"This is quite 'amusing.' In a world trying to achieve net zero as soon as possible, due to the 'climate crisis,' the western world is rejecting Chinese assistance to reach the goals, and thereby slowing down significantly the possibility of reaching those targets by the desired deadlines," Alpine Observer said.
One reader named Southeast blamed U.S. double standards. "The rule is: 1. Free market when the United States has competitive advantage. 2. Protectionism when it hasn't. "
"One rule for the USA and another for the rest. This is rank hypocrisy," Stave Shepherd echoed. ■