From the era of American exceptionalism to the doctrine of "America First," the United States has consistently defied the global trend towards multilateral cooperation and shared prosperity.
BEIJING, March 18 (Xinhua) -- Since the end of the Cold War about three decades ago, the majority of the world has supported multilateralism and advocated for a multi-polar world order. Washington, however, has been stubbornly pursuing dominance in disregard of this evolving landscape.
The hegemonic influence of the United States spans economic, political, military, and cultural spheres. One of its most significant manifestations lies in monopolizing the concept of "democracy."
With a binary mindset of "either friend or foe," it again attempts to forcefully divide the world into two camps.
This dangerously simplistic worldview, reminiscent of the Cold War-era mentality, perpetuates a zero-sum game where cooperation is forsaken in favor of confrontation.
Under the guise of championing the ideals of "democracy," Washington has pursued for decades the establishment of a global order that prioritizes American interests and adheres strictly to American rules.
However, the majority of the world has long concluded that the United States falls far short of being a "beacon of democracy," with its democratic credentials being so lackluster.
A true democracy should ensure that the people are the masters of their country. But American democracy, designed to serve capitalist interest groups, is inherently incapable of prioritizing the majority's interests and has thus degenerated into a "democracy for the few."
Little wonder, the list of challenges troubling U.S. society is ever-growing. Aggravated political polarization, a widening wealth gap, growing social divides and deep-seated racial discrimination all have made the narrative of American democracy even less convincing.
Meanwhile, the American political landscape is riddled with systemic flaws, including rampant voter suppression, gerrymandering, and the outsized influence of corporate interests in electoral politics. These shortcomings have eroded public trust in the democratic process and undermined the legitimacy of American governance.
On the international front, the United States' foreign policy often deviates from the principles it claims to uphold. Washington has a long history of destabilizing democratically elected countries through covert operations, economic coercion, and even participating in the overthrow of other governments in order to maintain its own strategic interests.
This Machiavellian approach to geopolitics has resulted in turmoil and instability, undermining the same democratic norms it claims to uphold.
In a glaring display of hypocrisy, Washington has orchestrated the so-called "Summit for Democracy" two times since 2021 with a third installment currently in the works in South Korea.
The gathering's stated goal is to promote democratic values and international cooperation, both of which have been severely harmed by Washington's actions.
From the era of American exceptionalism to the doctrine of "America First," the United States has consistently defied the global trend towards multilateral cooperation and shared prosperity.
Instead of fostering inclusive development, the American political elite has pursued a strategy of seeking dominance. Utilizing tactics like "de-risking and decoupling," scientific and technological embargoes, and coercive economic sanctions, they suppress competition.
Its strenuous attempt to monopolize the concept of "democracy" also underscores the United States' troubled history of weaponizing democracy promotion for strategic gains.
Washington's bid to rally countries against others risks further entrenching ideological divisions and undermining efforts to foster genuine dialogue and cooperation among nations with different political systems.
In the face of unprecedented changes and uncertainty, the international community finds itself at a critical juncture. In this pivotal moment, the world is in dire need of solutions that surpass the narrow confines of Washington's geopolitical ploys, which only seek to sustain American hegemony in an increasingly multi-polar world. ■