Mongolia provides 6.3 mln USD in aid to overcome harsh winter-Xinhua

Mongolia provides 6.3 mln USD in aid to overcome harsh winter

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-02-16 21:37:30

ULAN BATOR, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- The Mongolian government on Friday decided to provide 21.5 billion Mongolian Tugriks (6.3 million U.S. dollars) to help provinces and nomadic herders affected by the extreme wintry weather.

The money will be spent on the burial of livestock carcasses, disinfection, the delivery of food and health packages to nomadic herders suffering from the harsh winter, and the purchase of gasoline to transport essential items to rural areas among others, said Sainbuyan Amarsaikhan, the country's deputy prime minister and head of the State Emergency Commission (SEC).

Almost all provinces of Mongolia have experienced harsh weather conditions this winter, and over 80 percent of the country has so far been blanketed by snow, according to the country's weather monitoring agency.

Around 612,000 head of livestock have died across the Asian country so far this winter due to the extreme weather, according to the SEC.

Mongolia is one of the world's last surviving nomadic countries. The promotion of livestock husbandry is seen as the most viable solution to diversify the landlocked country's mining-dependent economy.

The number of livestock in Mongolia stood at 64.7 million at the end of 2023, according to the National Statistics Office.