Malaysia attracts 48.2 bln USD investments in first 9 months-Xinhua

Malaysia attracts 48.2 bln USD investments in first 9 months

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-12-06 20:46:00

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- Malaysia has attracted 225 billion ringgit (48.2 billion U.S. dollars) in approved investments across the services, manufacturing and primary sectors from January to September, exceeding its full-year target, the government's investment promotion agency said on Wednesday.

The Malaysian Investment Development Authority said in a statement that it was a 6.6-percent increase as compared to the same period last year, backed by 3,949 investment projects.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) constituted 55.9 percent of the total approved investments at 125.7 billion ringgit.

The Netherlands emerged as the leading source of FDI, contributing 35 billion ringgit, followed by Singapore, the United States, China and Japan.

Domestic Direct Investment (DDI), on the other hand, contributed 99.3 billion ringgit, or 44.1 percent of the total approved investments.

The services sector led the way in terms of approved investments from January to September, accounting for 117.7 billion ringgit, or 52.3 percent of the total approvals.

The manufacturing sector in Malaysia attracted a total of 99.8 billion ringgit in approved investments, accounting for 44.4 percent of the total approved investments across all sectors.

The primary sector sees 7.5 billion ringgit in approved investments, constituting 3.3 percent of the total approvals. (1 U.S. dollar equals 4.67 ringgit)