UN special envoy urges de-escalation along Israel-Lebanon border-Xinhua

UN special envoy urges de-escalation along Israel-Lebanon border

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-11-22 04:08:45

BEIRUT, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka called on Tuesday for de-escalation along the Blue Line as hostilities persist between Hezbollah and Israel, reported local media.

Wronecka said in a statement that the past six weeks of clashes along the Blue Line represent the most serious violations of Resolution 1701 since its adoption in 2006, according to L'Orient Today.

She highlighted the collective responsibility of the international society to urge both parties to exercise restraint, calling for a return to the full implementation of Resolution 1701, a crucial entry point to realizing the region's peace, security and stability.

Wronecka underlined the severe consequences of the ongoing exchanges of fire on the Israel-Lebanon border, including numerous casualties on both sides, internal displacement of thousands, as well as material and environmental damages. She warned of the danger of miscalculation leading to a broader conflict.

Two journalists and one civilian were killed on Tuesday morning in Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon, the National News Agency reported.

The Israel-Lebanon border has been witnessing increased tension for over six weeks since Lebanese armed group Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets toward Shebaa Farms on Oct. 8 in support of the Hamas attacks on Israel the previous day. The rocket attacks prompted the Israeli forces to respond by firing heavy artillery toward several areas in southeastern Lebanon.