Chinese vice president calls for stronger cooperation between China, UK-Xinhua

Chinese vice president calls for stronger cooperation between China, UK

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-10-16 19:26:30

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng meets with former British Prime Minister and former Labour Party leader Tony Blair, in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 16, 2023. (Xinhua/Yan Yan)

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice President Han Zheng called for stronger cooperation between China and Britain as he met with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Beijing on Monday.

As permanent members of the UN Security Council and major global economies, China and Britain have upheld, contributed to, promoted, and benefited from multilateralism, economic globalization, and free trade, Han said.

Against the backdrop of increasing uncertainties and destabilizing factors in the international landscape, stronger cooperation between China and Britain not only serves the interests of the two countries but also benefits the whole world.

Han added the two countries have broad space for cooperation in clean energy, biomedicine, finance, education, people-to-people exchanges, and other fields. The two sides should strengthen cooperation in international affairs, jointly meet the challenges of climate change and biodiversity, and safeguard world peace and security.

Blair, also the former Labour Party leader, said the world today faces many challenges. China has a significant international status, and it is essential for Britain and China to maintain friendly relations.

Blair said that the British side is willing to engage in candid dialogue with China and carry out constructive cooperation in a wide range of areas to address global issues jointly.