Interview: China prioritizes human rights with socio-economic focus, says scholar-Xinhua

Interview: China prioritizes human rights with socio-economic focus, says scholar

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-10-03 13:28:00

ISTANBUL, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- China focuses on human rights issues from a socio-economic point of view, giving priority to the human dignity of all people in the world, said Selcuk Colakoglu, director of the Ankara-based Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies.

China believes that human rights can not be properly exercised without dignity of life and fair development with a reasonable income, and is taking measures accordingly, Colakoglu said in a recent interview with Xinhua.

"China is focusing on development as a priority to enhance human dignity. And in that regard, eradicating poverty is a key point," said the scholar, noting the country's achievements in lifting millions of people out of absolute poverty.

Colakoglu said China has an integrative focus on human rights and human dignity, such as widening people's rights in general, supporting gender equality, and advocating urban and rural balance.

Referring to China's rich experience in improving people's living standards, he said: "China wants to share its experiences with other developing and least-developed countries. This will be very helpful to increase human standards and human rights in general."

The expert also noted that China supports multilateral frameworks to discuss differences and find common solutions in the international arena.

"China has become a leading country in sharing technological development" and providing social and financial aid to developing countries, Colakoglu said. "China considers development a global issue, and not just some countries but all countries need to develop together."