UN envoy condemns Houthi attack on Saudi-led coalition forces near Yemen border-Xinhua

UN envoy condemns Houthi attack on Saudi-led coalition forces near Yemen border

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-09-27 00:02:48

ADEN, Yemen, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations (UN) Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg on Tuesday condemned an attack on troops stationed near the Saudi border with Yemen, which left two soldiers from Bahrain killed and several others injured.

In a brief press statement released by the envoy's office, Grundberg offered his condolences to the Kingdom of Bahrain and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

He expressed deep concern over the continued military tensions along the Yemeni border and on the frontlines within Yemen over recent months that have resulted in casualties, including civilian deaths.

"Any renewal of offensive military escalation risks plunging Yemen back into a cycle of violence and undermines ongoing peace efforts. The continued flare-ups of fighting demonstrate the fragility of the situation in Yemen," said Grundberg.

He revealed that the UN has been in contact with all sides, urging maximum restraint "at this critical time" and dialogue to resolve differences and reduce military tensions.

Grundberg warned that the minimal trust required for constructive talks is easily eroded and emphasized the urgent need for concrete steps towards a nationwide ceasefire and resuming an inclusive political process to end the Yemeni conflict.

The latest flare-up comes after months of relative calm along the border. Houthi rebels have intermittently targeted Saudi-led coalition forces over the years, firing missiles and drones into Saudi territory. Some attacks have killed civilians in southern Saudi cities.

One Bahraini officer and a soldier were killed, and several others wounded when the Houthi rebels carried out a drone attack on Monday against Bahraini troops patrolling the border, according to a statement published by the state-run Bahrain news agency.

Bahrain, a close ally of Saudi Arabia, joined the coalition in 2015 and has suffered several military casualties over the course of the war.

Yemen has been embroiled in a devastating civil war since 2014, with the Houthis fighting against the internationally-recognized Yemeni government. The coalition intervened in the conflict in support of the Yemeni government in 2015.