Establishing independent Palestinian state only solution to Mideast stability: presidency-Xinhua

Establishing independent Palestinian state only solution to Mideast stability: presidency

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-06-27 04:38:45

RAMALLAH, June 26 (Xinhua) -- A senior Palestinian official said on Monday that establishing an independent Palestinian state is the only solution to achieve security and stability in the Middle East.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesman of the Palestinian presidency, made the remarks in response to the earlier comments of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel must block the Palestinians' aspirations for an independent state.

"The Palestinian state exists and is recognized by more than 140 countries, and it only needs to end the occupation to realize its independence," Abu Rudeineh said.

Israel cannot "perpetuate its occupation by continuing the aggression against the Palestinian people and escalating the policy of killing, settlement, land theft, and other aggressive acts," he warned.

Pointing out that Palestine is an observer member of the United Nations and many other international agencies, Abu Rudeineh called on the international community "to intervene and hold Israel accountable for its actions and words that contravene international legitimacy."

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a press statement that Netanyahu's remarks "are condemned" as "it is an official recognition of the Israeli government's policy of hostility to peace and rejection of peaceful resolutions."

The last round of peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis broke down at the end of March 2014 because of their divisions over settlement, security and borders.

The Palestinians want to establish an independent state alongside Israel on all the territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 war, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.