3rd European Games opens in Poland's Krakow-Xinhua

3rd European Games opens in Poland's Krakow

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-06-22 11:19:30

WARSAW, June 21 (Xinhua) -- The third edition of the Krakow-Malopolska 2023 European Games officially opened in Krakow, Poland on Wednesday.

On Wednesday evening, the opening ceremony took place at Krakow's Henryk Reyman Stadium with Poland's President Andrzej Duda in attendance.

For 12 days from June 21 to July 2, 7,000 athletes from 48 countries and regions will compete for medals in 29 disciplines such as athletics, basketball, boxing, canoeing, judo and table tennis. Up to 8,500 volunteers are helping out in 26 venues.

"Together with the European Olympic Committees, we have ensured that the event stands at a high sporting level. As a result, some of the disciplines will be played as the European Championships, and in many cases the awards will also include Olympic qualifications. This guarantees the participation of the best athletes," said Kamil Bortniczuk, Poland's Minister for Sport and Tourism.