China Focus: Dragon Boat Festival carries forward traditional culture, inspires generations-Xinhua

China Focus: Dragon Boat Festival carries forward traditional culture, inspires generations

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-06-22 22:17:45

BEIJING, June 22 (Xinhua) -- Dragon Boat Festival celebrations kicked off on Wednesday in Zigui County, central China's Hubei Province. People from home and abroad, including descendants of the renowned patriotic poet Qu Yuan, have gathered in his hometown to attend a range of activities.

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, traditionally falls on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese lunar calendar and on Thursday this year.

During the festival, Chinese people commemorate Qu Yuan, who was also a minister of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period (475 BC-221 BC). The poet tragically drowned himself in the Miluo River after he was accused of treason and banished for his well-intended advice to the king.

Legend has it that upon learning of his death, locals took to boats on the river to search for his body, dropping rice into the water in an effort to prevent the fish from eating him.

Both the legend and the festival have been passed down through generations since ancient times.

At the festival's opening ceremony on Wednesday, songs and dances were performed and thousands of audience members recited Qu Yuan's poetry in memory of the inspirational figure.

Ealier on Wednesday morning, an international dragon boat competition was launched in Zigui County. Approximately 350 athletes across nine international teams, including the United States, Malaysia and Zambia, as well as six domestic teams, are participating in the event.

The festival celebrations in the county will include a variety of activities, including a poetry competition, a music festival, a food festival, a lantern exhibition and a garden party, and will last until late July.

Li Feixi, a resident of Xinyi Village in Miluo City, Hunan Province, got up earlier than usual on the day of the festival to prepare zongzi, or glutinous rice dumplings.

"We used to listen to adults telling the story of Qu Yuan when we were young, and now we pass on his story to our children and grandchildren, hoping that they will be like Qu Yuan -- loving our country, possessing integrity and nobility, and striving for success," the 55-year-old said.

Huang Wenyi, a renowned rower and silver medalist at the 2012 London Olympics, said that dragon boat racing is her most cherished memory from her childhood. She has returned to the city of Shantou in south China's Guangdong Province to participate in a dragon boat race.

"Both my grandfather and father were dragon boat paddlers. Dragon boat racing is a culturally significant and highly inclusive sport. It requires everyone to work together toward a common goal with unity and cooperation," Huang said.

In the provincial library of Hubei, people gathered to read ancient books about the festival.

"We hoped to guide readers to explore classical works and experience the charm of traditional culture through this event. I didn't expect to have so many readers, especially young readers, participating. It's truly inspiring and uplifting for me," said Liu Weicheng, the library's curator.

"While inheriting the traditions and customs of the past, the festival has been carried forward by incorporating suitable contemporary elements, making it more relevant to our lives. It has gained more popularity and recognition," said Peng Leiting, vice president of the National Institute of Cultural Development at Wuhan University

Via the innovative development of Dragon Boat Festival customs, the influence of traditional culture can be effectively enhanced among Chinese young people and also across the world, Peng said, noting that this also strengthens the younger generation's cultural confidence.