Israel hosts multinational naval drill in Mediterranean-Xinhua

Israel hosts multinational naval drill in Mediterranean

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-03-31 02:50:30

JERUSALEM, March 30 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Navy has hosted a multinational naval exercise in the Mediterranean to deepen its military ties with participating countries, Israel's military said on Thursday.

The Israeli military said in a statement that the two-week naval drill, code-named "Noble Dina," was attended by Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy and the United States.

The exercise, which took place in the Mediterranean Sea between Crete and Israel, has strengthened the Israeli Navy's cooperation with the participating militaries and increased their operational capabilities against submarines and a variety of regional threats, the statement said.

During the exercise, missile ships, submarines, Israeli fighter jets and helicopters practiced various drills, including complex underwater combat against submarines, joint maritime warfare, handling of aerial and naval threats, mass casualty incidents, and joint fueling, it added.