(Poster) China in World Press: Bull Market Beckons China Stock Traders as Consumption Revs Up -- Bloomberg-Xinhua

(Poster) China in World Press: Bull Market Beckons China Stock Traders as Consumption Revs Up -- Bloomberg

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-01-31 12:42:15

Bull market beckons China stock traders as a rebound in consumption revs up. Travel and box office data signal that consumer spending is on the mend. Hotel operators and restaurant chains will benefit, as well as travel firms and entertainment-related names, said a Bloomberg report.

A sustained uptrend may dispel any lingering doubt that the worst is over for Chinese equities. The rollback of virus curbs and a policy pivot by Beijing have won over Wall Street banks such as Morgan Stanley which expects China's equities to beat global peers in 2023, it noted.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service


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