OAS, Latin American governments condemn pro-Bolsonaro protestors' invasion of Brazil's seats of power-Xinhua

OAS, Latin American governments condemn pro-Bolsonaro protestors' invasion of Brazil's seats of power

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2023-01-09 12:15:45

BRASILIA, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Organization of American States (OAS) and several Latin American governments on Sunday condemned the invasion of Brazil's Congress, presidential palace and Supreme Court by supporters of far-right former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro condemned the incursions, calling them acts of a "fascist nature."

Fascists have "decided to stage a coup" in Brazil, said Colombian President Gustavo Petro, expressing his support for Brazil's new leader, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and lamenting that the political right in the country has failed to maintain the OAS's dedication to non-violence.

"It is urgent to hold an OAS meeting if it wants to continue to live as an institution and apply the democratic charter," Petro said.

"An unconscionable attack on the three powers of the Brazilian state by Bolsonarists. The Brazilian government has our full support in the face of this cowardly and vile attack on democracy," Chilean President Gabriel Boric said.

The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry also issued a condemnation, reiterating its "unrestricted support for democracy and the legitimately elected government."

"In the face of the right-wing coup actions in Brazil, we express our solidarity with @LulaOficial and raise our voices in defense of Brazilian democracy," Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero wrote on Twitter.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard also expressed his country's "full support" for the government of President Lula elected by popular will, and rejected "any attempt against democratic institutions."