Mozambican defense forces kill 10 terrorists: report-Xinhua

Mozambican defense forces kill 10 terrorists: report

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2022-03-18 17:38:36

MAPUTO, March 18 (Xinhua) -- Mozambique defense forces has killed 10 terrorists who attacked the population of Matemo Island in the country's northern province Cabo Delgado on Wednesday midnight, the state media Radio Mozambique reported on Friday.

"An air and maritime force were deployed to the scene where they fought a heavy battle, preliminary data indicates that 10 terrorists were killed and several war materials seized," the report quoted Ernesto Mandungue, spokesperson of the provincial police command in Cabo Delgado, as saying.

The terrorists allegedly entered the Matemo Island disguised as villagers and their presence was reported by the villagers to defense authorities, according to the report.

The report says searches are still being carried out and the navigation around the island areas has been interrupted until security is restored.

The Matemo Island is part of the Ibo district, one of the landing and embarkation points for internal displaced people fleeing the conflicts.