Pakistan to learn from China on industrialization: senate chairman-Xinhua

Pakistan to learn from China on industrialization: senate chairman

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2022-01-05 22:06:15

Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong speaks at the launching ceremony of the "All-Pakistan Chinese Enterprises' Association (APCEA) Sustainable Development Report 2021" in Islamabad, Pakistan, Jan. 5, 2022. (Xinhua/Ahmad Kamal)

ISLAMABAD, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- Chairman of Pakistan's senate Sadiq Sanjrani said here on Wednesday that his country has a lot to learn from Chinese expertise to promote industrialization for economic development.

China has not only emerged as an economic power itself but has also ignited growth beyond borders, Sanjrani said at the launching ceremony of the "All-Pakistan Chinese Enterprises' Association Sustainable Development Report 2021."

Pakistan needs to make the most of its iron-clad friendship with China to achieve sustainable development, he added.

The chairman said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Pakistan has been reviewing its economic policies to build back stronger in the post-pandemic era with a special focus on industrialization, he said.

The first phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has helped Pakistan overhaul its infrastructure and resolve the energy crisis, while the second phase of CPEC will initiate an era of industrialization which will help Pakistan meet not only its balance of payments crisis and employment challenges, but also support economic recovery and long-term development, Sanjrani said.

Addressing the ceremony, Khalid Mansoor, special assistant to Pakistani Prime Minister on CPEC affairs, said that CPEC, a flagship project of China's Belt and Road Initiative, has played a vital role in bringing about socio-economic benefits for the welfare of the people of Pakistan while adhering to the concept of high-quality green development.

He said the incumbent government has been working tirelessly to remove any bottlenecks which may emerge during the execution of the CPEC projects, and making policies to enhance ease of doing business between the Chinese and Pakistani enterprises.

On the occasion, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong said Chinese enterprises positively devoted themselves to fulfilling projects of corporate social responsibility while making great contributions to the economic and social development in Pakistan. Enditem

Chairman of Pakistan's senate Sadiq Sanjrani speaks at the launching ceremony of the "All-Pakistan Chinese Enterprises' Association (APCEA) Sustainable Development Report 2021" in Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, Jan. 5, 2022. (Xinhua/Ahmad Kamal)