China on its way to economic recovery after controlling COVID-19: Pakistani official-Xinhua

China on its way to economic recovery after controlling COVID-19: Pakistani official

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2020-04-24 14:56:35

ISLAMABAD, April 24 (Xinhua) -- China has successfully controlled COVID-19 outbreak at home, and now the process of recovery of its economy has started, Abdul Razak Dawood, advisor to Pakistani prime minister on commerce, textile, industry and production, and investment said.

The Chinese economy is recovering after the COVID-19 shock and the stabilization of the Chinese economy will also benefit Pakistan in a big way in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and other business sectors, Dawood said while talking to a local TV channel on Thursday night.

"The (tariff reduction arrangements of the) second phase of Pakistan's Free Trade Agreement with China is operational since Jan. 1, and we are hopeful that the moment the Chinese economy is back on its original trajectory, our exports to China will also increase," the advisor said.

Talking about the impact of the novel coronavirus on the Pakistani economy, Dawood said that the virus has badly affected the economy as a 70 percent decline in the country's exports has been witnessed in April as compared to last year, and the country is feared to lose an estimated 3 to 4 billion U.S. dollars due to the decline in exports.

"There is no doubt that the Pakistani economy is in a critical condition, but there is still a hope as in the past few days we have started receiving some export orders, and we are hopeful that the orders will gradually increase and the economy will get a significant support from this sector."

Besides, the IT sector of the country has also got a boost during the lockdown period and IT-related companies are working with the outside world and within the country, Dawood said. Enditem