Kurdish forces enforce siege on gov't-controlled areas in Syria-Xinhua

Kurdish forces enforce siege on gov't-controlled areas in Syria

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-08-10 01:05:00

People carry plastic barrels to fetch water in al-Hasakah, Syria, Aug. 10, 2024. Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have imposed a strict siege on government-held areas in Syria's northeastern province of al-Hasakah, as clashes with pro-government fighters continue, the pro-government newspaper al-Watan and activists reported on Friday.

Residents in the government-controlled parts of al-Hasakah are facing severe shortages of water, flour, medicine, and other essential supplies, al-Watan said. (Str/Xinhua)

DAMASCUS, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have imposed a strict siege on government-held areas in Syria's northeastern province of al-Hasakah, as clashes with pro-government fighters continue, the pro-government newspaper al-Watan and activists reported on Friday.

Residents in the government-controlled parts of al-Hasakah are facing severe shortages of water, flour, medicine, and other essential supplies, al-Watan said.

Citing local sources, the newspaper described the situation as "catastrophic," with SDF forces reportedly blocking International Committee of the Red Cross water tankers from reaching the besieged areas.

The blockade has forced many residents to rely on unsafe wells for water, leading to a surge in cases of poisoning, gastrointestinal infections, and vomiting.

Local activists have called for a protest outside the Hasakah Justice Palace later on Friday, aiming to draw international attention to what they described as a humanitarian catastrophe caused by the SDF's siege.

Russian military officials, including the commander of Russian forces in Syria, arrived at Qamishli airport on Friday and held talks with SDF commanders in a bid to mediate the crisis, according to al-Watan. However, the efforts have so far been unsuccessful, with SDF leaders reportedly insisting on maintaining the blockade of Hasakah.

A child carries plastic barrels to fetch water in al-Hasakah, Syria, Aug. 10, 2024. Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have imposed a strict siege on government-held areas in Syria's northeastern province of al-Hasakah, as clashes with pro-government fighters continue, the pro-government newspaper al-Watan and activists reported on Friday.

Residents in the government-controlled parts of al-Hasakah are facing severe shortages of water, flour, medicine, and other essential supplies, al-Watan said. (Str/Xinhua)